Haul Pay: Ditch Old School Factoring

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Introducing: Haul Pay: Factoring, from ComFreight

We hear about owner-operators and smaller carriers getting hit with hidden fees from their factoring companies almost daily. We also hear about the same hard working people getting taxed upward of 5%-15% just if they want to get paid immediately upon delivery from a Broker for hauling a load. But it gets worse. Many brokers state that they offer “free quick pay” only to take the cost of this payment advance out of the total invoice amount that they would have otherwise paid to the carrier/trucker. Why even bother if that’s what they’re really doing? We get it.

We knew we had to do something about this. We knew we could leverage our technical and software expertise to make the experience of getting payment advances easier and faster. We wanted to ensure that truckers and carriers would be able to get the FASTEST payments, with the lowest and most transparent rates, for all of the loads that they haul. This would put the negotiating power back in their hands and out of the broker or traditional factoring company’s hands when it came to fast payment. It would also ensure that they could factor any invoice from any of their pre-existing customers that are credit approved from anywhere and from any device.

We had to make sure that this entire experience would be digital, efficient and a huge time saver. Original documents? No need. Just pop out your smartphone take a photo of the signed bill of lading and rate confirmation, enter a “bill to company” and tell us how much you need to get paid. DONE. Payment Request processing.

Well…we did it. It’s here. ComFreight’s Haul Pay Factoring.

haul pay

Flat 3.5% rate for payments processed immediately upon request. (Non-recourse). Money deposited the next business day. Absolutely no extra fees of any kind. No hidden claw backs or secret terms that mean you’ll be paying a high rate in the future for any reason either. Clean, simple, easy to understand and fast funding for all of your hauls. Have questions? Give us a call today 888-633-5558 or better yet sign up now to start finding Haul Pay approved loads to haul right now!

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