We’re a Web App For Freight Matching

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When we set out to develop ComFreight we wanted to make the best community based freight marketplace possible at the best possible price to our end users. More value, more quality loads (instead of just focusing on quantity) and more data and information to help our users make better business decisions. We also wanted to move away from the traditional Load Board concept. The alternative has been for freight brokers to emerge with applications that are very similar to load boards.

ComFreight is about communicating freight via alerts, matching, bidding and user interaction. Helping users spend more time running their business and less time focused on juggling phones. Instead of going for a percentage of a carriers profit margin, we decided to go for a flat subscription. Receiving payment through a load board platform should be an option, not mandatory. Otherwise all the site or app is really doing is double or triple brokering another broker or shipper’s load.

We’re here to give you more tools to grow your business in a simple and easy to manage software solution and package. We give you the flexibility to submit bids, call users, send documents and information and use the system the way you see best to help you grow your business, find a back-haul or get a rate for a shipment.

Stay tuned for more tools on the way as we continue further development into first quarter of 2014. Freight matching across any device is now possible thanks to our team!

Thanks everyone!

Copyright © 2014 – ComFreight.com™

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