Find Loads with Post Truck

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Here at ComFreight we believe in options. It’s an American tradition. Choice. That’s why we provide carriers with three different ways to find loads from brokers and shippers. Load Search, Load Maps and of course Post Truck. We’ve updated the truck posting tool to make it faster and easier to find load matches from any device.

For most carriers, this process can be tedious and involve multiple contacts and platforms. We wanted to find a way to make it easier for carriers to find loads matches and signal to load posters that they have availability on a given lane in one simple move.

Post Truck is that tool. It’s the perfect tool for carriers or owner-operators who are looking to find loads from quality brokers and even direct shippers. Posting a truck on ComFreight comes with the ability to enable “Load Match to Your Truck” alerts in the “Notifications” menu under “Settings.” This load match alert allows users to elect to get an email alert for every new load match that is found for their posted trucks.

Along with optional email alerts we always display new load matches to users on their timeline. This way your company can still get push notifications and easily see new load matches to posted trucks at a glance without requiring an email alert for every match.

Find out more about how to use Post Truck to find loads in our tutorial video below:


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