What is your ComFreight profile page? Logistics Networking!

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When you join ComFreight you are not just joining a new web marketplace for freight matching, bidding on loads or a load board. You are joining a community of logistics professionals! Your user profile page is the first and best way to give people on the site a better idea of who you are and what your small business or company is all about!

You can load a picture of yourself (recommended for Freight Agents) or a photo of your trucking company or logistics company’s logo as well. Then just put in some more details about your company and your core services in the description box. All of the information that is displayed on your profile is edited via the “Settings” tab while you’re logged into your account. You can also click on “My Profile” from the ComBoard. The ComBoard is the first page you see when you login to your ComFreight account and it’s the dashboard where you manage your email alert settings as well as view your past and recent activity on the site and the web app.

View a REAL live public profile Page for Steve the Co-Founder at ComFreight!

To share your profile page or use it as an e-business card just click on the “My Profile” tab while logged into your account and then go to “View My Public Profile.”

Click here to see where you can copy the direct link to your profile page!

Once you have updated your profile page you can share the URL link with anyone! You can also Tweet, Facebook share, Google+ share or Linkedin share right from the share icons in the upper right hand corner. This makes your ComFreight profile page a sharable virtual E-BUSINESS CARD! You can share it with anyone in your network, share it with carriers you’re trying to exchange contact info with quickly and invite them to review you and your company’s services on your profile as well! (coming soon).

If we tried to post a post on our blog for every tool and feature or way of using ComFreight it would literally take our copy writing team an entire full year to do it. There are just so many ways to use ComFreight…from finding loads to haul…finding new carriers to work with, spreading the word about your company and the message you want to put forth to new potential shippers to even setting up custom alerts to only alert at certain times of the day or night for new load or truck matches! Also anytime you are logged into the site and viewing loads or truck posts you can just click on the “View Profile” link on any load or truck post to view that user’s profile! So make sure your profile is complete that way our other users will see you take your business seriously!

Click here to see what the “View Profile” Link looks like when it’s displayed in the site!

Oh…and one more final note…we don’t track your every move or personal data to sell to some other company behind your back like ALL THE OTHER SITES DO! That’s right. If you didn’t know it already almost every load board out there is making a killing on selling your marketing data to companies often times without your permission…and it’s even worse when you’re paying one of our competitors $100+ per month and they are still selling your information behind YOUR back!

WE at ComFreight simply DO NOT DO THIS! We protect your data!

All of your private data and company info is safe and secure here at ComFreight. We do not sell it to marketing agencies or try to harass you with advertising of any kind!!! Period! We are the honest, free, open, future of logistics web app and freight marketplace and we’re looking out for you!

Thank you everyone!

Copyright © 2014 – ComFreight.com™


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