Consolidate Freight via Freight Matching

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Another great way our users are using ComFrieght is to find other smaller loads to haul or to build into a load they already have on a truck. We make this process very easy. As you’ll notice on the Post Truck (Load Alert) tool and the Search (Loads) sections you are able to set a maximum weight and maximum length you or a truck in your network is willing or able to haul.

For freight consolidation off the line haul all you have to do is post your extra left over space and set a time window for when you want to find another partial or LTL to pick up or haul before a truck leaves a certain region with it’s other primary load already on board.

So remember when you know you’re going to have some extra space open on a truck be sure to setup a Truck Post to send you load match alerts or do instant load matches right there for matching freight that you could add to your trip to make even more money on your run or your long haul move.

Here is a quick photo of a test we did using Los Angeles, CA as the empty location to pull in some LTL loads for consolidation all under 10 linear feet in length.

Freight Load Board Freight Matching
Freight Matching

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