The Loading Life: How Freight Brokers Can Find Carriers Fast

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Shippers use freight brokers because of their expertise in the field of logistics. Freight brokers know what carriers can meet the shipper’s transport needs. And brokers have the tools to find carriers fast.

The logistics industry has a lot of moving pieces. Shippers, carriers, and consignees all need brokers to coordinate their interactions. And there’s no time to waste!

Logistics are crucial to U.S. commerce. Without a fast-moving shipping industry, the business would come to a grinding halt. Discover ways that freight brokers can find carriers fast.

Try Cold Calling

Once you find the name a freight carrier you’d like to use, it’s easy to find a phone number in a business listing. Many carriers have adopted technology for tracking, but relationships are still developed on the phone. Email and web forms are typically not the preferred methods of communication.

When you call a carrier, don’t try to sell yourself as the best broker they’ll ever work with. It’s good to describe your needs, such as where you’ll need to move freight, the size of the loads you need to be transported, and the frequency. Most in the logistics business will be impressed with action, not grand promises.

Show an interest in how the freight carrier currently transports their freight. Get ready for a lot of carriers to turn you down. But sometimes it’s just the luck of the draw. You might hit a carrier that has a need to fill.

Build Personal Relationships

The transportation industry is very much a business of relationships. You’ll need to build a solid reputation if you’re going to be a successful broker. You’ll need to have a good rapport with shippers, consignees, and carriers.

It’s not just about getting your carriers some freight to move. They’ll want you to share their values. And not just “corporate values.” 90% of trucking businesses have six trucks or less. Truckers want you to have the same values they grew up with. And nothing will get you more business like doing great work for your current customers.

Carriers are going to talk to one another. Establishing s referral system is a great way to generate new business. Come up with a single sheet that explains your program and send it to shippers.

Find Leads with Everyday Products

Most products surrounding you at the moment spent time as freight and were transported on a truck. Office furniture. Delivered by truck. Cars. Delivered by truck.

The device you’re reading this on? Truck. Just look up the products you use every day. Find out where they are manufactured and how they are delivered.

An easy way to find carriers is to think about the items that you’ve ordered yourself. Review bills of lading, tracking numbers, or other shipping info to find carrier names. By doing so, you can find local carriers that contract to national networks, expanding your options.

Give Internet Search a Shot

More and more carriers have started recognizing the value of having a web presence. The reason for the slow adoption is that many carriers are small businesses or independent contractors. There are internet load boards to find a near unlimited supply of qualified carriers.

Work with great carriers. If you’re going to build a network of the best carriers, you’ll need a reputation of working with the best. Do you have policies with carriers setting expectations for deliveries? Are you ranking your carriers’ performance over time?

Create Your Own Detailed Systems

When you have a shipper request, can you quickly locate carriers you’ve used in the past for the shipper, consignee, or cities involved? Can you pull up a bill of lading that shows performance data on the delivery? Having quick access to this data can help you select a carrier fast.

Some shippers require carriers to have a certain safety record. They may ask to see a copy of the terms and conditions you have set up with the carrier. Having this information will give you a huge advantage over other freight brokers.

Know Your Freight

You’ll really need to know your freight if you’re going to convince carriers to haul for you. Some carriers prefer certain kinds of freight. Sometimes equipment can be more suited for other goods. You’ll have more success with a carrier if you can describe the type of freight.

And even more, if you can discuss how it compares to products they are currently transporting.

You’ll also be able to qualify your carriers easier and faster. You’ll know who’s sure to be on time for critical freight. You’ll know who has the best record for fragile shipments. And you’ll know who offers the most competitive rates.

Master the Ins and Outs

Along those lines, it will benefit you to become a master at setting uploads in advance. If you ask a carrier to transport freight into Albuquerque, you’d be smart to already have a load set up to come out.

Carriers don’t want to be stranded in a city with no way out for days at a time. Every day the truck sits empty is money lost. Carriers will want to work with you if you promise a quick turnaround. Drivers want to get on to their next destination or on their way home back to their families.

The logistics industry can be called the lifeblood of U.S. commerce. The human body transports oxygen and nutrients throughout the body using the blood. Just like businesses send goods throughout America using freight carriers. The brain regulates and keeps the circulatory system running smoothly. Similarly, freight brokers help organize shipments and carriers.

Remember the Other Transportation Methods

Truckload motor carrier services are a common arena for freight brokers. But there are other shipping methods out there. Some parts of the country are well served by air freight and rail.

If you keep these other shipping options in mind, you may be able to find a carrier faster. You’ll also develop relationships with even more carriers.

Find Carriers Fast

Brokers must know how to coordinate the needs of shippers, consignees, and carriers. Because critical issues can come up at any time, freight brokers must be ready to respond quickly.

The logistics industry relies on freight brokers to ensure that shipping goes smoothly. Brokers need advanced tools to find carriers fast and coordinate delivery. Sign up for the ComFreight Logistics Marketplace for free. Find empty trucks and carriers now!

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