Thanks for the Great Story Tino at NVS Transport!

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Started in 2016. My Business was in a rough patch not knowing where to find loads and with who to factor with. Little by little I started getting a hang of things but factoring was still an issue. Then in 2018 I found Comfreight Factoring. They are the BEST!! Great Customer Service! They helped me with invoices issues and any load issues. Very Friendly Customer Service Rep especially Bianka- Great Rep! They have there own load board which u can find loads! They match any brokers with lower percentage payment! With ACH there is no fee and delivers in ur bank account the very next day! And so many more. What’s so Awesome I just found out there working on a Wire Transfer which u won’t have to pay any fees- Which is Awesome! I have been with Comefreight Factoring over a year now and they have treated me like family and has helped my business in so many ways it’s just Awesome! I’m proud of them and Bless them on many successful years to come!

Tino started his trucking company in 2016 and we’re so happy we helped and continue to help him grow his business. ComFreight HaulPay is all about helping the small trucking or logistics company.

We love hearing from happy customers, so feel free to share your story by emailing us as and we’ll be sure to post your story on our blog and social media as well.

Thanks everyone!

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