Freight Quotes Done Differently

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Why is Comfreight attracting direct shippers? Direct shippers are always looking for ways to save money on their freight shipments. But what if this could be done so that the parties they are being matched up to are also making more money on moving the load?

This is one of our main focuses as a company as we continue to reach out and enlist more and more new direct Shippers onto ComFreight’s web app and freight marketplace. Direct Shippers can post a load in just a few seconds and with our coming updates to user experience and interface it’s sure to get even faster. Once the load is created, by filling out a few simple fields, the load post alert goes out to our qualified broker, agent, carriers and dispatchers instantly. This gives the shipper more options from one easy to use simple and free web app and portal. No hidden fees. No taking a cut on a closing bid. Just simple, easy, faster and lower freight quotes for shippers.

Our most recent shipper user to reach out to us saved 35% on their freight shipment they had to have moved! Yes! 35%! They were amazed. But we weren’t. We know the power of the ComFreight platform and web app. The best part was the carrier needed to fill some extra space on a truck in their fleet. So that carrier made thousands of more $$$$ than they would have if they did not get the load match alert that day to their truck post.

This is just one example of how such a low cost and simple we app that we at ComFreight are perfecting every day can benefit both the load poster who needs a freight quote or freight bid and also can benefit the Carrier, Owner-Operator, Agent or Logistics provider

Thanks for reading and we are looking forward to updating you with our latest feature release due in just a few short weeks and more improvements for mobile users.

Read more in our most recent press release by clicking here!

-Steve, Co-Founder and CEO @

Shippers you can sign up here as a direct shipper here for free.
Brokers, agents and dispatchers with loads make sure you sign up here instead.

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