Find Freight From Your Phone

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If you haven’t yet then you don’t know what you’re missing! You can login to your ComFreight account and use any of the tools you see from your login from your phone. Save docs and send from your mobile device, tablet or smart phone at anytime. You can also view your activity and specific loads or truck posts, anytime and anywhere.

To find freight to haul quickly and easily as a carrier we suggest using the “Search” tool to find loads. You can go to the Search tab and select your preferred pick up location and delivery location, set a mileage radius (or type in a specific one) down to the mile, and hit search. Share any of the search results as a direct link to other members of your team, dispatchers or any of the major social media platforms as well.

If you have any further questions on using ComFreight’s mobile web app just email us at or call us at our toll free number. Thanks everyone!

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