How to Find the Best Load Boards for Your Next Gig

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Are you a trucker or carrier searching for reliable, well-paying loads?

Maybe you already have a steady clientele built up and you just need to supplement your income. Or perhaps you’re just starting out and eager to get your shipping business up and running.

In either case, the answer is the same. If you want to be one of the best carriers in the business, you need to use the best load boards.

But with so many different boards to choose from, how do you know which ones to use?

In this post, we’ll reveal our expert tips for finding the best load boards for your business.

1. Don’t Rely Solely on Freebies

Yes, there are plenty of free load boards online. You might even find a few decent loads listed on them.

But if you’re relying only on the free listings, chances are you’re missing out on better and higher-paying loads. On paid load boards, you’ll find more selection that better suits your business, trucks, and routes.

Of course, you do need to make (and stick to) a budget. Don’t go signing up for the most expensive load boards assuming they’re the best. Many of the best load boards are available to you for less than $20 per month.

Another tip is to search for paid load boards that offer a free trial period. That way, you can test it out and see if it’s a good match for your company.

Take your time, do your research, and find out which load boards are working for other carriers. Then you’ll be in a much better decision to find the boards that are best for you.

2. Make Safety a Priority

As a responsible carrier, you’ve probably already taken all standard safety precautions.

To access the best load boards, though, your safety rating must be as high as possible.

Brokers and shippers want to know that you’ll deliver their loads safely, intact, and on time. With 31.4 million registered trucks in the US, they have plenty of others to choose from if your safety rating is less than stellar.

To win the best loads on the best boards, make sure you have a “satisfactory” Carrier Safety Rating. Your Safety Evaluation Area scores for Accident, Driver, Vehicle, and Safety Management should also be high.

If necessary, ask for reviews from past or current customers. A string of positive reviews will assure future clients that you’re reliable and trustworthy.

3. Find User-Friendly Load Boards

You can search and search until you find the best load board in the world. But if you can’t figure out how to use it, it’s not going to do you a bit of good.

In your research, look for boards that feature an intuitive, easy-to-use interface. Is it easy to navigate between loads, listings, and other pages? Do they have a mobile app, messaging service, and other valuable features?

Time is money, so you don’t want to waste yours trying to figure out how a load board works. If a site is taking too much time, move on until you find one that’s simple to use.

Another thing to remember is that the best load boards can be accessed from anywhere. Since you spend so much time on the road, you can’t always wait until the next time you’re in the office.

Seek boards that are mobile-friendly, perhaps through an app or mobile website. There should also be some sort of instant messaging service so you can communicate wherever and whenever you need to.

4. Seek Out Those Added Features

In addition to a site that’s easy to use, what else should you look for in a load board?

Some of the best load boards offer free notifications 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Set up alerts and get notified when loads get posted along your preferred routes. That way, you have the chance to snag your ideals loads before someone else gets them first.

Another thing to look for is a site that allows brokers to post loads for free. This almost always ensures a higher number of listings, giving you more loads to choose from.

Other “extra” features you may want to look for include load planners, credit ratings and scores, mileage and routing trackers, or free corporate websites.

5. Don’t Forget to Post Your Truck

A common mistake many carriers make is not posting their own trucks on load boards.

Remember that load boards work both ways. Brokers and shippers use these boards to get their freight moved, but it’s also a place for you to list your services.

Many loads never get posted in the first place. The only way to access these “invisible” loads is by receiving a call from a broker who’s selected your trucking company.

To get those calls, though, your company needs to be listed. Once you’ve found the best load boards, set up profiles for your trucking business.

Bonus tip: Consider listing your truck later in the afternoon, once all the morning loads have cleared out of the way. You might be surprised at how many loads you’re able to pick up!

Ready to Find the Best Load Boards?

With so much competition in the trucking industry, you can’t afford to use anything less than the best load boards.

Using the best boards ensures your business will thrive now and in the years to come.

Here at Comfreight, we understand the shipping industry inside and out. We’re experts in matching the right shippers, carriers, and brokers.

Click here to find out more about our load boards for carriers.

You may also contact us directly with any questions or concerns.

What are you waiting for? Get in touch and start using the best load boards today!

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