Rebrand Incoming! We’re updating our brand from ComFreight to HaulPay…finally!

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We’ve been thinking about this for quite a while. For more than a year now, actually. HaulPay has been our core focus for most of the history of our team and product. HaulPay means factoring, payments and credit tools for logistics. Now we’ll be finally making the update over the coming weeks.

HaulPay has been our core product brand for years. Now we’re just making it our main brand.

What is going to change with our sites and apps?

Just what we’re called and a little bit about how to get to us too...

Currently our web app and website live at these urls: – website – web app

We also have a simple single page website for HaulPay that lives at

After the update these will be changing to: – new web app address – new website address

Don’t worry if you visit the old websites after we make the update you’ll get automatically routed to the right place so you can login and access everything like you normally would.

How about your mobile apps?

These will still be where they are now, we’re just going to update some logos and some branding on our apps to be HaulPay first to align with the new primary brand.

How about email? Probably the MOST IMPORTANT

We will be updating our email address to the new url as well. We will be doing this AFTER we’ve updated the website. So expect to still receive emails from us from for a few weeks as we roll out the email update. After the email update is completed all of our emails will be from

We’ll keep you updated via email about the timing of the email update so you can whitelist the new domain on your end to ensure email is delivered without issue after the transition.

Will any features be changing or going away?

No. But we will be working on improvements to our user interface for our web app in H1 of 2024.

The features you know and love will still be here. The load board will be a supporting feature much like it has been, but our brand focus and feature expansion will be better communicated for what it really is.

This will also make it easier for us to present one clear brand for all of our current and future product, features and services as it pertains to our core offering. It’s easier for us and it will be easier for you.

Thanks for reading and stay tuned for more…

There’s a lot of exciting new features and improvements coming in 2024. As always if you have questions feel free to contact our support team or your rep via email and we’ll assist in any way we can.

Thanks, Happy Holidays and Cheers to the New Year.

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