New ComFreight Load Board Search Loads Tool

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We’ve updated a new quick tutorial video on how to find partial loads and use the saved search tool and find loads at anytime, anywhere and with a mileage radius from any location. You can search on both the pick up end or a preferred delivery location.

Once you navigate to a load you want to see more info on you can click on the “Details” button to see the load or trucking route and the freight match post or load details page. If you scroll to the bottom of this page you will also see if there are any loads on the return route. This lets you find back-hauls or see what is available in the future before you even call on a load that is ready today. More peace of mind. More options. More Business!

This is only one of the many tools on ComFreight’s Load Board and Freight Matching and Bidding Platform and it’s the perfect tool for carriers looking for a quick search for partials to consolidate within range of specific lane or to find full loads going to or from specific lanes quickly and easily.

Thanks for watching and we’ll have another update for you very soon!

Steve Kochan
CEO, ComFreight

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