Find Loads…From Anything?

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For carriers finding loads online can be both a simple and straight forward process but it can also end up being a constant road of exploration.

We’re optimizing everything in the coming weeks so that every part of the ComFreight system works when you need it. You can pop open an email alert on your phone, go to the load details page and submit a bid while you’re out to lunch, at a truck stop or from the comfort of your own couch.

Working on ComFreight and a previous system similar to it in 2009-2010 has brought many new experiences and valuable feedback from users from all backgrounds. Now we are executing on all of our user feedback over the past year and a half and developing a system for you to find loads in real time from direct shippers and access to broker loads for a fraction of the price of standard run-of-the-mill load boards.

Making the freight matching, load finding and logistics bidding process more affordable and user friendly is an evolving process and we appreciate all of your user feedback. We will keep you updated as we continue our steady pace towards the future of logistics and making your ability to find loads, find new active and real carriers and capacity and get bids on your loads one of the best experiences of any app on the web.

And remember! Say no when a board tries to take a cut of your margin!

Thank you and we’ll be updating you again soon.

Steve Kochan

Copyright © 2013 –™

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