Hide User – Block Posters To Save Time

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We’re always trying to find ways to improve your experience on our ComFreight load matching board and apps. We’ve added a capability recently that helps you to save a lot more time when going through your match alerts for loads, trucks or viewing results for load matches or truck matches. This feature allows you to block/hide users if you don’t want to see their posts or allow them to access yours.

This feature allows you to block/hide users if you don’t want to see their posts or allow them to access yours. Sometimes you might see a particular broker that you can’t or don’t want to haul for and this will save you time by hiding their results from view.

If you’re on mobile you would just navigate to a load details view/page and you’ll see a button to block “post” or hid “user.” If you want to block just one post from view, you click the block “post” button and that specific post will no longer show up to you in results. If you want to block all posts from a particular user, then you want to click on the hide “user” button. This will block all posts from this user and also hide your posts from them.

On desktop, you can find the same button on expanded result line items in your results and these buttons work the same way. See images below for more insight:

You can manage your hidden users from the “Account” section in the main “Settings” menu. This allows you to unhide users from your block list at any time.

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