Hello Everyone,
The ComFreight team recently activated its contingency plan for COVID-19 given the sweeping social distancing requirements being enacted by the Federal, State and local governments across the country.
I want to advise you that our team has been prepared for some time for remote work scenarios as well as working within a crisis situation. We have even offered staff nutritional support and have offered to cover any extra equipment that they need to be comfortable and at least as proficient remotely as they were while working on site.
We want you to know that we’re in this with you and that we are on top of all operations, technical and support requests. Logistics plays a super important role in the critical infrastructure of resupplying the community in times of crisis.
We have your best interest in mind and are prepared to walk you through credit decisions or risk mitigation actions to ensure all of us not only survive the market side of this crisis but come out the other side able to quickly thrive.
Our commitment to our users and customers remains our primary focus as a team and if you require any specific assistance related to the outbreak please let your rep or contact here know and we will do our best to assist.
More updates will be posted as they become relevant.
Thank you.
Steve Kochan, Founder & CEO, ComFreight HaulPay.