We recently had a chance to connect and talk further with one of our current clients who has built a fast growing trucking company off of HaulPay and ComFreight.
Andre, Cheif Operations Officer of BANQUETIL says the company has grown leaps and bounds and he wanted to share with the rest of the world and the trucking community a little bit more about their story and how we were able to help. Thanks, Andre! We’re happy to help you succeed now and into the future!
Respect the Hustle… A code that those who earn a living from the streets look forward to, more so those who spend hours on these paved roads driving for miles on end, crossing state lines as we move loads from one place to another. In the trucking world whether you are an owner-operator or small fleet owner its comforting to have a reliable way of accessing your hard earned cash…quickly.
The introduction of COMFREIGHT and HAULPAY came in March 2018. It took a few seconds to download the app and sign up. The friendly and professional staff made establishing the relationship for BANQUETIL smooth and hassle-free. We are proud to say that BANQUETIL has taken full advantage of the free load board booking 90% of loads hauled in recent months. Using the board and rate trend tools, in a time where freight rates and fuel cost are constantly fluctuating, we have successfully managed to stay above average of the suggested weekly gross earnings for trucking companies.
The numbers speak volumes, and while others may enjoy similar success with other factoring companies BANQUETIL takes this opportunity to extend heartfelt thanks to the management and staff of COMFREIGHT and HAULPAY for the assistance and support we received over the last months. This support has powered BANQUETIL to establish and deliver a quality hauling service to our customers.